Saturday, June 4, 2011

One week to the Australian Championships....

So it's one week until the Judo community takes over Perth, Western Australian for the Australian Judo Championships. This event will include all ages from junior boys/girls, through cadets to senior men/women. For the first time, those that cant make the trip across to Perth can watch the competition live on the internet at:


This event is also sponsored by JOLS ADIDAS and you will be able to try on and buy the new IJF approved judogis and other judo related items.

Unfortunately for me, I will not be competing due to an injury I received at the beginning of the New South Wales squad 6 weeks ago. Since then I have undergone surgery, and Im ecstatic at the results! Im doing things after 3 weeks that previously would have taken 12 weeks.

Being unable to compete in the Nationals, opened an opportunity to join the experienced coaching staff of Morgan and Jo with the NSW Senior team. At first I thought it will be hard emotionally because I want to be competing, I want to be doing the randori. However I have found it the opposite. The NSW team are a great bunch and they are a pleasure to coach. There are no egos to deal with, just guys and girls who want to improve and do their best. While Im busy putting 100% into helping them, I have found this takes my mind off my current situation....it was definately a good decision!

I recently talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people...and this is so important for the guys and girls leading into the Nationals. There is very little a coach can do physically one week out from a competition. Its too late to "get fit", that work should have already been done. The guys in the NSW squad are fit, that have trained their butts off. But now its about feeling sharp, fast reactions, and most importantly CONFIDENCE. This is an area that coaches and players can have a massive impact on one week out. Its a time to focus and say, "Ive done the hard work, now I will finish it off" So surrounding yourself with positive, inspirational people is definately the way to go! If someone wants to be negative, get rid of them!

"Pain is temporary, it may last a minute, an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it lasts forever" (Lance Armstrong)

Is that how you want to feel when you've walked off the mat? or will you leave no regrets?

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